Archive for July 16th, 2012

Supplements And Why They Don’t Usually ‘Work’

Supplements, the holy grail of every scrawny 16-year-old who aspires to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. The definition of a supplement is something that adds value to something else. In this context, a supplement is a want for all, a need for some.

This would be like a Candy shop for most 16 year old Kids.

I have never held supplements in higher regard than food because I somehow knew that I would not be able to reach my fitness goals based on it alone.

One can never out-train a bad diet. Even if it is combined with supplements.


There are various types of supplements that can be delivered to your doorstep, thus making it more convenient for impressionable adolescents who are looking for the best ‘Mass Gainer’ or the best ‘Fat-Loss Pill’.  There is no shortcuts to success. The elevator will always be down, one will have to climb up step by step to reach the top.

It’s all about Persistence.

I have tried my fair share of supplements to honestly say that in order for a supplement to ‘work’, one must ensure that one does everything necessary to provide the environment for its potential to be fulfilled. Let me put it in this way, A supplement is like a seed. One plants the seed in Soil (Body), One will then ensure that the seed receives Water (Food) and Air (Sleep). If there is no diligence in watering the seed or placing it in an optimal environment, the seed will never blossom to a plant.

Now, I do take supplements on a daily basis too. I take Fish Oil and Protein Powders. The reason why Fish Oil should be in everyone’s cupboard is because it improves brain function & memory (DHA) and it is also an anti-inflammatory (EPA). Not all Fish Oil are the same though.

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

One of the best ways to test whether your fish oil is of poor quality is to slice open the soft gel and place it in the freezer for 6 hours. If it is poor quality or has gone bad, the fish oil would be frozen. It should not freeze.

My current bottle of Fish Oil.

I have had a few friends who were scrawny who wanted to put on ‘Mass’ and they asked me what is the best ‘Weight Gainer’ to consume. My answer?

Hands-down the best ‘Weight Gainer’ in the world.

Weight Gainers are typically low quality Protein mixed with high quantities of Sugar. If that is your idea of a ‘Weight Gainer’, then go ahead. Scrawny people have the best excuses in the world. They have an abnormally high metabolic rate, no matter how much they eat, they can never put on weight and the best excuse of all time is ‘It’s genetic’. HAH!

Excuses are for losers.

It is human nature to look for a shortcut or blame it on everything else except themselves. I can safely say that one can reach one’s fitness goals on the tried and tested food, alone. However compliance and convenience might be an issue, thus the need for supplements. One should always do research on supplements before buying them, therefore understanding the full potential of it. However, one should work towards providing a suitable environment for the supplement to thrive in.